Jonty's MR2 Turbo


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Hints & Tips Exterior Wheels & Tyres Interior

Wax on, wax off

With its curvaceous lines and near super-car looks, the MR2 looks absolutely stunning when it's subject to a bit of pampering now and then.  Granted though, having a good looking car is one thing but trying to keep it that way is something else.

In my opinion it pays to look after your pride and joy else it begins to look tatty and awful if neglected.  Cleaning a car thoroughly can be extremely rewarding afterwards and if done on a regular basis can help to maintain a vehicle's paintwork and general good looks.

I don't claim to be a valet guru but I've been cleaning cars long enough to have developed some good tips through experience, trial and error, and advise given by others.  With this I've also learnt which products work -- and those which don't.  I'm happy to accept that some folk may beg to differ with my choice of methods or preferred cleaning products but that's okay.  At the end of the day I'm happy to share my experiences but ultimately we each must build up and be happy with our own.

The pages within this cleaning section intend to offer you some good tips -- especially useful if you're inexperienced when it comes to cleaning cars.  A useful starting point is my Hints & Tips page which holds some good advice before you get stuck in, and the other pages focus on the exterior, interior, and those swish wheels and tyres of yours.

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